Enhance Compliance and Transparency with Our Customized Backstage Internal Developer Platform

IDPs create the golden path for development enabling efficient delivery and value production

In today’s fast-paced software development world, compliance and transparency are not just requirements but essential elements that drive business success and technological innovation. Our customized Backstage platform is designed to meet these needs, providing a solution that not only aligns with NIST CSF compliance but also offers unprecedented transparency across your software catalog.

The Power of Backstage

Backstage is an open-source platform engineered to simplify the complexities of managing software development. It acts as a centralized hub for your software assets, making it easier for developers to discover existing resources, tools, and services.

Golden Path for Developers

Centralized Software Catalog

Internal Developer Platforms create a single source of truth for all your software assets. This centralization is crucial for maintaining full transparency across projects, enhancing visibility, and ensuring that every team member has access to the resources they need when they need them.

Golden Developer Path

The “golden path” concept in our internal developer platform guides developers through the best practices and processes established by your organization. This pathway not only speeds up the development process but also reduces the learning curve for new developers. By providing a clear and efficient route through your development environment, we help new developers begin contributing valuable work much faster, significantly reducing the time and cost associated with their onboarding.

Features and Benefits

SSO Integration with Your Provider of Choice: Ensure robust security and seamless access management across your development tools with Single Sign-On (SSO) integration tailored to your preferred provider.

Transparency and Visibility: Achieve full transparency with a comprehensive view of your software catalog, enabling better management and decision-making.

Compliance with Standards: Designed to meet stringent standards like the NIST CSF, our platform ensures that your development practices comply with necessary regulatory requirements.

Cost-Effective Development: Reduce onboarding time and costs by enabling new developers to quickly adapt and start producing value through a guided development path.

Fully Customizable Feature Set: Leverage the open-source nature of Backstage.io to implement any customizations necessary to fully support your specific needs and use case.

Security Out of the Box: Built on top of our NIST CSF compliant EKS stack, your internal developer platform (IDP) is secure from day one, providing peace of mind and robust protection.

Why Choose Our Backstage Implementation?

Our implementation of Backstage sets up an Internal Developer Platform that creates an ecosystem where compliance, security, and productivity intersect to produce optimal outcomes. Whether you’re looking to streamline project management, enhance security protocols, or speed up developer onboarding, our platform is equipped to handle your needs efficiently.

Are you ready to transform your development lifecycle?

Ready to Transform Your Software Development Lifecycle?

Embrace a solution that brings compliance, efficiency, and transparency to the forefront of your operations. Contact us today to learn how our customized Backstage implementation can be tailored to fit your organization’s specific requirements.